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Enjoy a special performance of Wolf Hall by Viking godmother Debbie Wiseman

Hosted by Debbie Wiseman, OBE and Anton Lesser

We invite you to join us for a special rendition of Wolf Hall from award-winning TV and film composer, Debbie Wiseman, godmother to the Viking Herja and the esteemed composer of our signature scores, The Traveler and The Explorer. With impassioned readings by acclaimed actor Anton Lesserwho played Thomas More in the riveting BBC seriescultivate your curiosity for Tudor England in the company of Viking Explorer Society members at The Hurlingham Club, one of London’s finest private members clubs.

We invite you to join us for a special rendition of Wolf Hall from award-winning TV and film composer, Debbie Wiseman, godmother to the Viking Herja and the esteemed composer of our signature scores, The Traveler and The Explorer. With impassioned readings by acclaimed actor Anton Lesserwho played Thomas More in the riveting BBC seriescultivate your curiosity for Tudor England in the company of Viking Explorer Society members at The Hurlingham Club, one of London’s finest private members clubs.


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