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Week 163 - May 15 - May 21 , 2023

We are proud to dedicate this week’s Viking.TV programming to Norway, homeland of our Chairman, Torstein Hagen. The country’s national day, which is celebrated annually on May 17th, marks the anniversary of the 1814 signing of the Norwegian constitution that granted the nation its independence. Join us to discover the fascinating history, artistic heritage and stunning landscapes of Norway, and learn how you can marvel at breathtaking fjords and scenic coastal towns when you travel with us to Scandinavia and Northern Europe. We would like to continually evolve this experience channel, and welcome all comments and suggestions to

We are proud to dedicate this week’s Viking.TV programming to Norway, homeland of our Chairman, Torstein Hagen. The country’s national day, which is celebrated annually on May 17th, marks the anniversary of the 1814 signing of the Norwegian constitution that granted the nation its independence. Join us to discover the fascinating history, artistic heritage and stunning landscapes of Norway, and learn how you can marvel at breathtaking fjords and scenic coastal towns when you travel with us to Scandinavia and Northern Europe. We would like to continually evolve this experience channel, and welcome all comments and suggestions to
