Finse Explores Scandinavia
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Finse Explores Scandinavia

Finse has wanted to be an explorer ever since her puppyhood at Highclere Castle, a very grand house in England. Since then, she has been traveling the world and loves to share stories of her adventures with you. In this book, she travels to Scandinavia, where she visits Sweden, Denmark and Norway and meets the Crown Labradoodle, Milly Kakao. Finse explores wonderful museums, sees beautiful natural landscapes and even visits Santa Claus and his elves in Lappland.

Finse has wanted to be an explorer ever since her puppyhood at Highclere Castle, a very grand house in England. Since then, she has been traveling the world and loves to share stories of her adventures with you. In this book, she travels to Scandinavia, where she visits Sweden, Denmark and Norway and meets the Crown Labradoodle, Milly Kakao. Finse explores wonderful museums, sees beautiful natural landscapes and even visits Santa Claus and his elves in Lappland.


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