Dr. Bryan Babcock

Dr. Bryan Babcock

Viking Resident Historian
United Kingdom

Serving as Viking Resident Historian on itineraries around the globe, Dr. Bryan Babcock holds a PhD in Ancient Near Eastern History, Languages, and Religion from the University of Bristol in the UK and conducted a post-doctoral fellowship at Cambridge University. His research explores how we experience and understand sacred space. Through his work as an Egyptologist, Bryan worked on archaeological digs and led numerous college study abroad courses exploring archaeological sites throughout Egypt. He is uniquely able to enrich his audiences understanding and experience while visiting the Mediterranean, Israel and Egypt. 
Bryan’s recent books include “Trajectories” and “Sacred Rituals.” Beyond his academic life, Bryan is also a commercial pilot and leads teams providing international disaster responses for the DART team of Samaritan’s Purse (Disaster Assistance Response Team). Bryan (and his wife Betsy) live part of the year on the island of Antigua in the Caribbean and part of the year near their granddaughter in the Durham, North Carolina area. 

Dr. Bryan Babcock on Viking.TV (1)