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Weekly Welcome

Weekly Welcome

Dear Viking friends,

Here on Viking.TV we explore the world from the comfort of home. We provide free to watch livestreams at the same time every day, and offer an extensive library of on-demand programming including short documentaries and interviews, lectures, musical performances and much more. We would like to continually evolve this experience channel, and welcome all comments and suggestions to vikingfamily@viking.com.

Karine Hagen

Karine Hagen
Executive Vice President, Viking

Dear Viking friends,

Here on Viking.TV we explore the world from the comfort of home. We provide free to watch livestreams at the same time every day, and offer an extensive library of on-demand programming including short documentaries and interviews, lectures, musical performances and much more. We would like to continually evolve this experience channel, and welcome all comments and suggestions to vikingfamily@viking.com.

Karine Hagen

Karine Hagen
Executive Vice President, Viking

Monday April 22 At Home in Ho Chi Minh City
Tuesday April 23 Postcards from the Mekong River with photographer Alastair Miller
Wednesday April 24 Discover our Magnificent Mekong voyage with Viking’s Neil Barclay
Thursday April 25 Learn about the life-giving waters of the Mekong with Dr. John Freedman 
Friday April 26 At Home in Siem Reap with guide Sim Piseth
Saturday April 27 Yoga: Let Go
Sunday April 28 Delve into Southeast Asian history with Professor Marie Conte-Helm, OBE
Livestreams start at 11AM PT, 1PM CT, 2PM ET, 7PM GMT, 5AM AEST.